Our Services


General Dentistry & Fillings

We offer oral health procedures to treat patients of all ages. Dental check ups are crucial to overall health and it is important to schedule regular appointments for your family in order to prevent disease.

The procedure of filling a tooth is completed by a Dentist upon removing decay from an affected tooth. The dental filling restores the function and integrity of the tooth and prevents any further decay if the proper oral hygiene regimen is followed.

Dental Cleanings & Hygiene

We offer scheduled dental cleaning packages to care for your whole family. A deep cleaning, scaling and root planing is necessary to remove harmful bacteria from your teeth.

Regular dental cleanings will help keep your family safe from preventable diseases such as cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease.

Root Canal Treatment

A Root Canal procedure is recommended to treat a damaged or infected tooth in order to relieve tooth pain and save your smile.

To prevent having to extract a tooth, a Dentist may recommend a root canal procedure. If you are suffering from tooth pain, don’t hesitate to contact us as it may save your tooth.



Whether a tooth is badly damaged due to trauma, decay, or overcrowding, our dental team can help make your tooth extraction a comfortable process. After the extraction, our friendly staff will educate you on the proper after care process.

Crowns & Bridges

A crown is a cap that goes over a tooth, and is generally done to preserve a heavily damaged tooth. Crowns can be used to restore them to their natural appearance, shape and strength.

A bridge replaces one or more missing teeth. A dental bridge extends across an area where teeth are missing and replaces it with artificial teeth. Talk to us help you decide if a crown or bridge is right for you.



Partial dentures are used when some of the patient’s natural teeth remain, and help to restore the form and function of your jaw by replacing one or several missing teeth.

We also offer full dentures to artificially replace all your natural teeth and gums.